Apple juice Wintercalville with box
The very name conjures up a journey to a cold land - a journey the Wintercalville really made when word of this excellent dessert apple reached the court of the Tzar and it was delivered from South Tyrol, individually wrapped in paper. The Wintercalville has a long pedigree, reaching right back to the Middle Ages. Probably a native of Normandy, for a long time the Wintercalville was widely cultivated and in great demand, even in the highest circles. Wintercalville trees are sensitive; they like nutritious, healthy and warm soils of the type we can offer on the Ritten. 

Short description: Golden yellow, spicy and aromatic with a characteristic scent of white peach, juicy yellow plums and honey.

Highly recommended: as an aperitif and with vegetarian dishes, pasta dishes, lamb and goat's cheese.
Shake before use. Once opend, store in the refigerator and consum within 6 days.
Acidity - Sweetness: 4
Aroma profile: strong
Carbohydrates (g): 11
Energy (kJ): 191
Fat (g): 0
Food pairing: Yes
Food type: substantial dishes
Food type Taste: hearty, sour, sweet
Format: 1.5l
Glass type: Glass
Produktfamilie: Grand Cru
Protein: 0
Pure - Cuvée: pure
Salt (g): 0
Serving temperature: 8 - 10°C
Sugar (g): 11
saturated fatty acid (g): 0
The Wintercalville comes from France and is one of the best-known and oldest varieties. It used to be very common because of its excellent taste. The fruit is large to very large and prominently ribbed to lobed. The flesh is a light yellowish-white, fine-textured, very juicy and has an excellent sweetish-sour taste.
100 % single-variety mountain apple juice – naturally cloudy

Kohl mountain apple juices are carefully pasteurised for a long life but contain no preservatives, additives or added sugar. Nor do they have any animal-derived ingredients or genetically modified products. Kohl mountain apple juices also bear the European Vegetarian Union’s V-label.
Vegan Icon
Gluten-Free Icon
Shake before use. Once opend, store in the refigerator and consum within 6 days.

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December 19, 2021 17:05

Exquisites Geschmackserlebnis

Exquisiter Bergapfelsaft zu versch. Speisen oder Menügängen. Besonders ansprechende, edle Verpackung. Sehr gut als erlesenes Geschenk geeignet.

January 7, 2022 12:18

BESSER geht es nicht

March 4, 2021 16:37


Wir waren absolut begeistert! Der Wintercalville war das Highlight beim Geburtstagsessen, vom herausholen aus der edlen Verpackung bis hin zum Verkosten im Stielglas.

December 25, 2021 20:53


Topqualität, Topservice jederzeit wieder

April 28, 2021 11:20

WOWeieinfahc nur Wow!

Das ist mal Was! Alleine schon die Verpackung verspricht viel - und der Inhalt übertrifft das noch. einfach nur Genießen!!!


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