100% apple. With our experience and sound judgement, we nurture our apples to full maturity on the Ritten at almost 1,000 metres above sea level. The best are hand-picked, gently pressed and bottled as single-variety apple juice. Without any additives. Everything the juice offers is in the fruit already. Our expert contribution: preserving the individual aromas and ensuring all the goodness and fine qualities find their way from the apple to the glass – showing just how different apples can taste.
For people who like to try something new. For gourmets.
Pure juice, distinctive taste, unique pleasure. Our motto: uncompromising quality from the very beginning. The apples in our orchards are hand-picked one by one in several passes. Only the best are pressed to make apple juice. They are processed with the greatest care in our apple refinery on the Ritten. That is how we ensure that the full taste and very best quality are maintained. The same commitment applies to the ingredients for our cuvées.
What we want: 100% outstanding juice. And nothing else.