Our Dancing Queen

"It was the call from the south and we followed it." So says Thomas Kohl when he starts talking about his latest creation. The table is set. I should come to brunch, I am told, and for good reason: food pairing is important to Thomas Kohl.
Just as winemakers need to know what dishes their wines go with, there are also recommendations for Kohl's mountain apple juices. A careful pairing of a dish with mountain apple juice, whether pure or cuvée, promises divine pleasure.
The first rendezvous with the new juice
So it was a brunch I attended on the Renon. The new cuvée of mountain apple and pineapple juice is waiting, slightly chilled, for the pancakes to arrive. First, Thomas Kohl tells us about the characteristics of the new variety.
An idea is born
"Southern Italy is extremely hot in the summer. For many months the temperatures are high, and one of the main tasks during this time is to manage the fluid balance in the body. A lot of water is drunk, but also genuine juices are made from fruits or berries.
Juices refresh, and replenish fluids, and are a pleasure. They should never be missed!
More summery, lighter, more refreshing, and that's where pineapple comes in."
An ideal pair
"The aroma of pineapple will be the summer catchphrase. The texture of the juice is silky and smooth and matches perfectly with the mountain apple juice. The two juices meet and are similar in texture and color, so they get along immediately.
For the apple juice, we mix the puree of the fruit, which contains no additives, and are harvested when fully ripe and therefore very aromatic. They are immediately turned into puree and that is why their flavor remains the fresh taste of the tree until we mix it with the apple juice."
Portrait of the "Dancing Queen"
The result is a cuvée in which two juices dance together! What a thrill when vibrant flavors from different worlds come together, embrace and begin their dance on the palate. Mountain apple juice with the sweetness and exotic interplay of pineapple flavors are elegantly balanced.
A beautiful yellow with green hues, the cuvée has a distinct pineapple aroma. The juice is lively and harmonious with a clean aftertaste.
The combination makes the Cuvée a juice for serene moments, to start the day off right. Perhaps paired with pancakes

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Apple juice & Pineapple
Dancing Queen! A cuvée in which two juices dance with each other! How exciting when lively flavours from different worlds meet. They circle each other, embrace each other and begin their dance in the mouth. Fresh and with a well-structured base of mountain apple juice, the exotic play of aromas and the sunny sweetness of the pineapple are elegantly integrated and balanced. A cuvée for happy hours.Highly recommended: with rice salad with vegetables, curry dishes, blue cheese, yeast pastries, and pancakes.
